Friday, July 7, 2023

Haight Family in Nauvoo

 Caleb Haight and his wife Keturah Horton Haight joined the church and came to Nauvoo. He owned land, received his Endowments, baptised his ancestors in the font and Keturah passed away and is buried in Nauvoo.  Here is a story of Keturah Horton blessed with sight from the prophet Joseph Smith: "She would put her hands over my face to feel how I looked. Yet she knew us children apart by our voices. She was very anxious to go to Nauvoo and see the Prophet, as she believed if he would administer to her she would receive her sight.

 A few days after they arrived in Nauvoo, Brother Joseph came and administered to her, and she received the desired blessing of her sight restored, which lasted as long as she lived and was a great comfort to her. She had desired that she might see her children once more, her grandchildren and the Prophet before she passed away. She lived only a few weeks or a month --- I do not remember which, but the rest of us arrived in Nauvoo and had the pleasure of witnessing her great joy in the blessing bestowed upon her by the Lord. When I first saw her after her sight was restored she said: “Mary, I don’t have to feel your face now to know you, I can see you.”

Caleb's son Issac Chauncey owned land, was a member of the 70 part of the Nauvoo Legion

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