Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Thomas Clucas and Eleanor Peel GGGGG Grandparents through Priscilla Payne

Thomas Clucas: Click here for Family Search link
Birth:05 July 1801 Isle of Man, England
Baptsim: Before 1840?
Death:23 Nov 1878 Lebanon, Missouri
Burial:Click here for Find a grave link

Eleanor Peel: Click here for Family Search link
Birth:1801 Braddan, Isle of Man
Baptism: Before 1840?
Death:March 1876
Burial:Click here for Find a grave link

Conversion Story:
After the first child was born to Thomas and Eleanor in Cumberland County, England, Thomas decided to return to his beloved Isle, with Eleanor and the children. At this time, the young Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints was sending missionaries to England and they found the family of Thomas and Eleanor Clucas, and taught them the truths of the Gospel. The mother, Eleanor, and the oldest daughter, Hannah, became baptized members and were among the first to accept the Gospel on the Isle. Because of the success of the missionaries in finding ready listeners to their message, among the honest in heart of the islanders, the leaders of other religious organizations for they were loosing members to this new church. The Following article was printed in the "Manx Liberal" newspaper on Sunday, 31st January 1840: "SiR---I feel rather surprised and chagrined that the modern delusion, viz., MORMONISM. should have made such rapid strides in this town... numbers continually flock to the Wellington Room, and listen with eagerness to the principles there advocated. The members of our Society (Methodists) seem to be most conspicuous in sanctioning and promoting this vile and abominable doctrine. Oh, Sir, the result to our connection will be dreadful! The havoc is tremendous; just think of the majority of our leading and intelligent men siding and abetting a cause of this description!! Oh, Sir, lamentable and heart rending to witness the beaming countenances, and smiles of approbation displayed recently at Taylor's meeting. I could enumerate a host of our members who regularly attend those anti-Christian meetings. Oh, Me Editor!! I quake for the consequences; such a wholesale conversion to mormonism was never before witnessed in any town or country. What will become of our Society? What will become of our class meetings? What will become of our Brethren in the faith? But Mr. Editor, what makes the case worse is that a rumor is prevalent that all these pious men are to be BAPTIZED. That is, duly immersed in the salt water of Douglas Bay, by that ABOMINABLE CREATURE Taylor!!! Surely there must be somthing enchanting about the vile man, (my hands shake while I write) and in winter too!! Oh, Sir, the thought chills my very soul; surely this American dipper intends to drown them; he can have no other object in view, therefore, Brethren of the Methodist Society, beware!! Drowning is not to be envied, and that, too, in our sins. Besides, what would the venerable John Wesley, (if he were alive), say to such conduct? What will the Conference say" And what will the world say?" A Staunch Wesleyan....

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