Sunday, February 5, 2017

Samuel Claridge GGG Grandpa Through Priscilla Payne

Samuel Claridge, Patriarch in Thatcher, Arizona with Doctrine and Covenants
Samuel Claridge: Click here for FamilySearch profile
Born: 5 December 1828 Leighton Buzzard, Bedford, England
Baptism: 5 June 1851
Death: 11 September 1919 Thatcher, Graham, Arizona, United States
Burial: Click here for find-a-grave profile

Conversion Story:
Here is a clip of an image from Family Search.  I didn't want to type out his story, but if you have time to read his whole sketch, do so.  It is awesome. 

Here is his 1st person testimony.  It is long, but such an amazing witness of Joseph Smith, A witness of what it was like to be called into Polygamy, and interesting thoughts about when he is called to be judged, he hopes Abraham is there.

We have been greatly blessed in our family. My wife has had nine sons and six daughters. One son was killed coming down the mountain with a load of lumber which was a great trial to us, the only death we

have had and we have never had a doctor to any of our children as long.

as they lived at home, although we have had seven down with diphtheria

and at another time we had seven down with the measles and at another

time, two down with small pox. My children have all been taught from

their childhood to have faith in the anointing with oil and administering

to the sick and the Lord has always heard our prayers and we got

through all right but then mother was a good doctor and used all means

at her command and had great faith and courage and my wife though not

a strong woman, never had a doctor but once and that was of very short

duration. Myself up to this time have needed no doctor for which I feel

grateful to my Heavenly Father for His protecting care that has been

over me. Know as I do of the prejudice that almost universally exists

against the people called Mormons and knowing the prejudice produced by false statements and misrepresentations I ask the kind reader to lay

down his notion (if any he has) and go with me a short time while I ask

a few questions and make a few statements that have come under my observation during the last 60 years of my life , I am now nearly 82 years of age and knowing it will be but a short time before I shall be leaving this earth as far as I know. For the benefit of my fellow creatures. I have been a member of this church for nearly 60 years and I have either embraced the faith or had my eyes blinded and following a delusion all these years. I will admit it was a sweeping declaration when

Joseph Smith declared he saw the Father and the Son when he was between 14 and 15 years of age· and they told him the sectarian world was all wrong and to unite with none of them. He made such a plain statement of this manifestation that one would think that if there was a ray of hope to establish the fact, that God lived and revealed to His Beloved Son that the whole world would be delighted after so many ages of darkness wherein there has been no such sign given direct from the great Creator of Heaven and Earth and the great blow it would be given to the skeptic and infidel to know there was a God that lived and that His Beloved Son the Redeemer of the world who did once come to the earth and become the Redeemer of the world and to now have all doubt removed with regards to the Jewish Scriptures , to know that He was the same God of Abraham,

Isaac and Jacob and all of the Prophets I say again if this Truth can

be established, the doubt and uncertainty with regards to the true and

living God would all be swept away, no more sectarianism, No more heathenism and infidelity, no more worshiping the works of mankind but all be brought into unison of worship the only one true God, the maker of Heaven and earth. Now kind reader I want you to go with me while I try to establish a few facts to prove that Joseph Smith did actually see

and commune with the Father and the Son, had there not have been any

subsequent events transpire after this manifestation, seeing he was

only a youth, we might have been left in doubt, suspicious without any

further testimony but he says the Son told him if he was faithful the

Lord would make him an instrument in bringing about a great and marvelous work and after awhile an Angel would visit him and make known to him the true G0speL Now the question is, was that promise fulfilled, now Joseph Smith positively declares that an Angel did come to him and talked and communed with him most of the night; giving his instructions and portrayed before his vision where certain Gold Plates were hid up in the earth not far from his father’s house. Next day he went to the place, met the Angel there and saw the plates with his natural eyes and told him to meet him there for four years in succession at the end of which they would be delivered into his hands. The Angel told among other things that these plates contained the true Gospel as was taught by the Saviour when on earth. Now I have not time to go into all the details, you can get them in other books but I just want to ask a few

questions. Then the Angel first visited him he was not 18 years of age,

uneducated farmer boy. Now I ask the question, is it reasonable to suppose that a boy at that age could make up such a program and carry it

out systematically and so successfully, all so straight forward, agreeing

in every particular with the Scriptures and that without the aid or

subjection of any individual on earth? How he must have had it all planned and laid out at this time. Now the plates are translated, the next step, he must organize the Church or before this must have eleven honorable men beside himself to testify to all the world that they had seen and handled the plates and now before the Church is organized he discovers there is no one on the earth who has authority to officiate in

the ordinance of the Church and it must come from cane from above,

then he brings in John the Baptist who had authority- to baptize the

Saviour with the Aaronic Priesthood, to confer it upon him so that he

could Baptize for the remission of sins. Then he asked Peter, James

and John whom the Saviour gave the keys of the Kingdom, to come and

lay their hands upon his head that he might have the same power to

give the Holy Ghost to those who were baptized. Now he has to organize

the Church exactly after the same pattern that the Saviour gave, with

Apostles, High Priests , Bishops, Seventies etc. Now the prophecy must

be fulfilled and Israel must be gathered and there must be a place to

gather to and here I will build a new Jerusalem and establish the Zion

of Our God upon the earth and have a people so educated and prepared

to meet the Saviour when He comes in the clouds of Heaven. But before

this takes place I must have a Temple built and have Moses confer upon

me the keys of the gathering of Israel. I must have Elias confer upon

me the Patriarchal order of the Gospel as conferred on Abraham and

then I must have Elijah as spoken of by Malachi, confer upon the keys

of the Restitution in turning the hearts of the fathers to the children

and the children to their fathers and here I must have baptism for

the dead and temples erected to officiate for the same. Now I ask the

question again, is it possible for a boy 14 years and six months old to

commence making his arrangements and then the next step to declare

that the Angel spoken of by John should bring the everlasting Gospel

to the earth, did really come and give him instructions concerning the

great program before him and in connection with other Heavenly messengers and even from the voice of his Heavenly Redeemer himself he went forth with that faith and confidence, until today we see the great

structures reared and the perfect organization of which is admitted by

all well informed people and now there is no man on earth (this least

of all churches) that ever did pretend to say that they assisted him

in getting up this organization or dictated one line in the Book of

Mormon or Doctrine and Covenants. Of course they assisted him in writing but he did all the dictating and he declared that all his knowledge

and information were given him by the angel from Heaven and gift

of the Holy Ghost. Mormonism is a reality from beginning to end. There

has nothing been hid, it has all been open and above board, nothing

clothed with obscurity and deception and every thing partaking of the

spirit of truth and righteousness. Now what is the result of all  these

items of which I have been speaking (with many other things) which,

were revealed unto him from Heaven before he was 25 years old. Now if

he is an imposter he must have been successful in blinding the

eyes of his aged father and mother, his nine brothers and sisters also

Martin Harris who furnished him money and Oliver Cowdery, who wrote while he translated month after month and then the Whitmer family where he finished his book, five honorable sons and a good father who gave board and lodging free and then told one of the sons in connection with the others that he should have the privilege of seeing the plates which he declared he did when on his dying bed I ask you again, does it look reasonable that only 18 years of age he could have carried out such deception without being detected, from 1820 to 1830?  The very part of his giving the dates when the angel appeared and told him to meet him there for four years in succession, then the plates were to be delivered into his hands, this would have given him away if it did not take place but his father, mother and family knew positively that he had the plates and some of them had the privilege of seeing and handling them.  Now as I said, we will look at results of all these manifestations that were given at that early day.  The church was organized when he was a little over 24 years of age with Apostles, Prophets, the Seventies in their order, the Elders, High Priests, Bishops, Priests, Teachers and Deacons, these were all organized after a perfect pattern given him by revelation which has never been changed from that day to this.  Could an imposter get up anything so perfect?  The gathering of Israel, another item; this principle is demonstrated before the eyes of the whole world and the grand object was set forth why they should gather.  One was that they should build temples and he declared that Elijah that was to come in the last days did lay his hands upon him an confer upon him the authority to officiate in these temples for those who died without hearing the Gospel.  Has this been fulfilled and carried out?  Where can the people ever expect to see a more literal fulfillment of the prophet Isiah.  Here is the great Temple in Salt Lake City among the tops of the tops of the mountains and people from every nation under Heaven have gathered unto and received their blessings there in and million of our kindred an friends have been officiated for.  I myself have officiated for many hundreds of my friends and have had so many manifestations from them that my labors have been accepted by them, as well as hundreds of others.  I will here testify that I have lived with this people for nearly 60 years and a more honorable, honest and virtuous God fearing people can not be found anywhere.  Of course we are not perfect and there are some as in all other communities who do not do as well as they should.  The Gospel that we have received is the Gospel of peace and good will to our fellow men and the command was given to Joseph Smith at the very beginning to send forth Elders to all nations of the earth which has been carried out from the time and today we have 2,000 out at an expense of one and one half million to two million dollars a year.  Leaving their parents, wife, and children at a good sacrifice and what for? For the love of the souls of men.  I ask you the question the Saviour asked, “Do men gather grapes from thorns or figs from thistles”? Now let me ask my old Methodist friends and all others to cease circulating these lying reports because when you do so you are fighting against God and His Truth and it does seem to me as I said at the beginning, if there was a key of hope to establish the fact that our Heavenly Father and his Beloved Son had again communed with men on earth as well as the angel from Heaven, it should be sought after with the most earnest desire to ascertain the truth of the same.  

But says one, Mr. Claridge, your principle of polygamy spoils it all, for if he was such a good man how could he feel justified in telling men it was their privilege to have more wives then one as this is one of the great weapons that our enemies bring up to fight Mormonism with.  Bear with me while I explain a little, tis true we do believe that Joseph Smith did have such a revelation give to him but in as much as this Government has passed a law to prohibit it, we have complied with that law to the very letter and expect to.  I will here say that I have a great deal of charity for our opponents bringing up this question knowing that all the Christian world for so many generations past have been raised under the one wife system it so naturally comes in contact with former traditions and bringing up.  I put it o myself, how would I feel if I was a boy to see my father bring another wife into the family.  I should naturally rebel notwithstanding I was taught by my mother that the Bible was the word of God and that Abraham and others were among the best men that ever lived and the special favorites of Heaven, I would skip that all over.  My tradition would not allow me to do that what they did and now let me say when the revelation was first give to Joseph Smith, it was one of the greatest trials of his life.  I remember at one time talking to a brother by the name of Benjamin Johnson who was a confidential friend of Joseph Smith and he said Brother Joseph came to him one day when he was working and said to him “I am in trouble” he then told him that the Lord had commanded him to take another wife.  On the same principle as the Lord had commanded Father Abraham and he said “I have put it off and put it off knowing how it would come in contact with the feelings of the people and the great trial of their faith it would be, but now just recently an angel of the Lord stood before me with a drawn sword in his hand and said if he did not go forth and obey that command he would be cut off and another one would be put in his place.  Under these conditions he went forth saying he would do the best he could.  When he mentioned it to Brigham Young, Brigham made the reply “Joseph, if you can excuse me I would rather take my valise on my back and go preach the Gospel the remainder of my days”.  Now we ask, what was the object in the Lord giving such a command, please read the 132 section of the Doctrine and Covenants and that will explain it. 

         Now I will give a little of my experience, the principle was explained to me in this way; there are two particular objects the Lord had in view with many others.  The one is to bring about ta more perfect way of living.  The human family have been degenerating for many generation sand the Lord has designed to give laws that will establish a system to bring about that lineage that has been lost and that will be done by men and women governing their passions and feelings and live in every way according to the principles of charity, cleanliness and to bring forth children that will be better developed in every way.  Another grand object is this, there are millions of noble spirits in the spirit world who are anxiously waiting to take bodies through channels that are pure and uncontaminated and the more such bodies prepared, the greater rejoicing there ins in the spirit world.  There were other pure principles that were taught me by the Apostles of the church and said it was one of the most sacred principles that had ever been revealed from Heaven, and could not be trifled with in the least.  Without bringing the displeasure of the lord upon me under these conditions, I took me a plural wife and one asked did you not have difficulties, yes the greatest I ever had in my life and when the great day of reckoning comes and the books are opened and you see what men and women passed through to keep the commandments of the Lord, you would never more persecute the polygamist but the Lord said those that enter into it with pure motive, they should be visited with blessings and they should have a testimony to the truth of the principle.  Fortunately for me I had one of the most patient noble hearted wives who knew this was the work of the Lord, and under a conscientious sense of her duty, she consented for me to take another wife and has acted a noble part in helping me to carry it out but was it not a trial to her? Indeed and she shed many a bitter tear but she prayed to her Heavenly Father to give her strength to over come and her prayers were answered and she was a mother to my second wife an her children and gained the victory over herself and has gone to her Eternal rest some 25 years ago. 

My second wife Is the mother of nine sons and six daughters, thirteen of which are raised to man and womanhood, eleven of them married an living close by, all of them respectable men and women, all raising large respectable families.  I never had a doctor in my life not to any of my family as long as they lived with me, and a more healthy robust lot of men and women would be hard to find in one family and we are not ashamed of our polygamist family.  All comfortably situated in life but today I stand a monogamist in the eyes of the law and would be fined and imprisoned for doing today what I did 45 years ago.  Now I am nearly 82 years of age and most likely I shall be ushered into the presence of the Great Judge of all the earth, that cannot look upon sin with any degree of allowance and now seeing I have committed a crime so heinous before the eyes of the nation, the penalty of which is fine and imprisonment, what will be my situation when I receive my sentence from the righteous Judge.  I am in hopes that Father Abraham will be there, maybe he will help me out a little, and way I think that I shall stand as good a chance as some of our most prominent law makers who never had courage enough to take one wife and then the rest of them (or nearly so) who do take a wife do shirk the responsibility large families, one or two is sufficient and the unnatural causes that are exerted to, to prevent offspring coming into the world, why should we complain at the commandments to better these conditions and no greater testimony could have given that the Mormon people are actuated by a God like principle in carrying out the first great commandment given to Father Adam, to be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth. 


         Now the other great weapon that is brought forth to prejudice the minds of the people is the Mountain Meadow Massacre.  You will find all the particulars of this sad event plainly set forth in a little tract already published but as I was living at that time and familiar with all the circumstances connected with it.  I will just write a few words and will say it was a most shaky affair and was a great trial to all the Mormon people,  Before it happened, word came to Brigham Young that the Indians were very mad on account of some of the company shooting some of the Indians and poisoning their spring which they did a short distance from where I lived and there was a great danger of blood shed.  President Youn sent a man immediately on hose back with a message to the people 300 miles away, not to let the Indians bring any calamity on the people, not to touch a hair of their heads.  I was at the guard house when the messenger came.  He had orders to spare no horse flesh, night or day but to go with all speed possible.  We gave him the best horse that could be found and he made the 300 miles in almost incredible time but the day before the deed was done and disgusted by all the people an lamented by all the brother Brigham Young when he heard it, cried like a child.  There were two or three Mormons who acted unwise, they were tried by a Mormon jury and one was sentenced to death and was shot.  When our enemies circulated the report the Brigham Young was the instigator of it, they tell that which is false.  Now all this took place over 50 years ago and why is it that our oppressors will continue to magnify those old rusty weapons before the minds of the people to work upon their blind sympathy to oppose the work of the Lord.

         Now in conclusion let me say to all my old Melodist friends and all others, cease circulating those lying reports for when you do so you are fighting against God of Heaven and great will be your condemnation.  Look at all things as reasonable men and if you can not see the principles of Mormonism to be true, don’t try to prejudice others, for as I said at the beginning, it is worth our most earnest consideration to have it proven that God our Eternal Father doth live and His Beloved Son and have been seen again in open vision.  It is something that expects the interest of the whole family.  Knowing as I do of the prejudice that exists almost universally against the people called Latter-Day Saints and knowing that prejudice is produce by fake statements and misrepresentations, I ask the kind reader to lay aside his preconceived notions (if any he has) and go with me a short time while

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